Over the past several years our research team has been involved in a large number of projects both as principle investigator and as a collaborating organization. This is a comprehensive list of all our publications.

The database below includes our publications with restricted access, if you would like to access them please contact research@accessalliance.ca.

All files are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format unless otherwise noted. You will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents. 

*Please note: For publications with multiple authors, the system automatically lists them in alphabetical order (as seen in the database below). To view the correct sequence of authors for any publication, please refer to the publication document itself. 

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Accessible versions of all documents and information that appears on the Access Alliance website is available on request by contacting TalkToUs@accessalliance.ca. Access Alliance will work with individuals to provide the document or the information in a format that is accessible to them.

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Publication Title Authors Date Journal/Book Category Publication Access Type
Working Rough, Living Poor: Employment and Income Insecurities Faced by Racialized Groups in the Black Creek area and their Impacts on Health Cabrera, F., Dahy, S.M.A.A., Edward Galabuzi, G., Joly, M.P., Landolt, P., Pham, D., Shakya, Y.B., Wilson. R.M., Zahoorunissa, Z. 2011 Economic Security & Health Community-based Research
Where are the good jobs? Alley, S., Almeida. A., Dahy, S.M.A.A., Edward Galabuzi, G., Joly, M.P., Koch, A., Landolt, P., Shakya, Y.B., Siddiqui, S., White, C., Wilson. R.M., Zahoorunissa, Z. 2013 Economic Security & Health Community-based Research
Vaccine hesitancy among Syrian refugee parents in Canada: A multifaceted challenge in public health Alamgir, A.K.M., Alghalyini, B., Tamim, H., Zangiabadi, S., Zia Zaidi, A. R. 2024 Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics COVID-19, Syrian Refugee, Vaccine hesitancy Open Access, Peer Reviewed
Undocumented.Stories: Hand-written stories from Torontonians living without permanent status Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services 2023 Self-Published Economic Security & Health, Healthcare Access & Equity, Immigrant & Refugee Health Open Access
Training Needs Assessments of Newcomer Young Adult Mothers Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services, Toronto Neighbourhood Group (TNG) Community Services 2022 Economic Security & Health, Immigrant & Refugee Health Open Access
Toronto Community Hubs: Evaluation Report Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services 2014 Healthcare Access & Equity Community-based Research
Tired of the Hustle: Youth Voices on Unemployment Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services & St Stephen's Community House 2016 Economic Security & Health Community-based Research
The Regularization of Non‐Status Immigrants in Canada 1960‐2004 Berinstein, C., Khandor, E., McDonald, J., Nyers, P., Pravaz, N., Wilson, B., Wright, C. 2004 Immigrant & Refugee Health Community-based Research
The Health Impacts of Precarious Work – Literature Review Merolli, J. 2012 Economic Security & Health Community-based Research
The Growth and Evolution of a CHC: Responding to Changing Needs using a Dynamic, Decentralized Model of Care Alamgir, A.K.M., Janczur, A., Nerad, S., Saroli, M. 2021 Alliance for Healthier Communities - Book Chapter Healthcare Access Open Access, Peer Reviewed