
Settlement Services

Settling in a new country can be a long and difficult process. Newcomers embark on this process by finding a place to live, finding a job, perhaps learning a new language, and learning their way in a new culture and society.

Many newcomers also find themselves facing barriers and difficulties they never expected such as racism, poverty, discrimination, and heterosexism.  At Access Alliance we know that the health of immigrants and refugees is greatly influenced by their experiences of migration and settlement in a new country.

Settlement is a right. Every newcomer is entitled to settlement services.

Settlement Services at Access Alliance

Access Alliance provides free settlement services to support newcomers through the challenging process of adjusting to a new country. This includes settlement counselling, newcomer education workshops and a resource centre for newcomers.  

Access Alliance also has free interpretation services for everyone who comes to the Centre for services.

We welcome two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (2SLGBTQI+) newcomers by providing services that take into account the complexity of issues they face and that are 2SLGBTQI+ positive.

We also offer many programs and services for youth (ages 13 to 24) who are new to Toronto.

For more information or to make an appointment with a settlement worker, call 416-324-8677.

Pour les nouveaux arrivants francophones, nous offrons des services avec interprétation.
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