
Categories: Capacity Building

Access Alliance 2023 – 2024 Annual Planning and Evaluation Report 

Project Overview 

At Access Alliance one of our goals is to build and sustain a healthy evidence-informed and evaluation-focused organization. We conduct evidence-informed planning through rigorous evaluation processes to demonstrate accountability at multiple levels and improve the quality of our programs and services. Working with program teams we gather evidence from diverse sources using tools that are accessible,

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Best Practice Standards for Remote Program and Service Delivery

Without question, the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted us to rethink the way we offer programs and services. In 2020, Access Alliance, like many agencies, was forced to pivot swiftly to incorporate online and remote service delivery to respond to a rapidly emerging situation. Since then, we have recognized the value of including the option of online and remote service delivery for clients to improve access,

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Our Community-based Research Tools

With over 10 years of experience in community based research, we have developed hundreds of hands-on CBR tools for making research inclusive, empowering and equity driven.
Our Centre can provide advisory support and institutional training on CBR to academics as well as community agencies interested in doing CBR. As a way to de-centre research,

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Immigrant Insight Scholar Initiative

The Immigrant Insight Scholar (IIS) Initiative is a mentored paid fellowship program for un/underemployed internationally educated researchers/analysts (e.g., epidemiologists, qualitative researchers, statisticians, evaluation experts) to utilize and strengthen their skills, and develop the local experience, track record, and professional network needed to transition to a successful career as a researcher/analyst in Canada.

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Young Insight Scholar Initiative

The Young Insight Scholar Initiative is a mentored fellowship program to build research/scholarly opportunities and career pathways for under-represented and equity seeking groups. We partner with academic and community agency partners to create these fellowships.
The Young Insight Scholar (YIS) is for young and emerging scholars/advocates (less than 30 years old) who are passionate about mobilizing evidence to advance equity.

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Student Practicums

Our Centre offers meaningful research practicum opportunities for students as a way to train the next generation to become champions for CBR and equity. As part of their practicum placements, students engage in research, knowledge translation and/or advocacy focused projects that are of shared interest for the student and our Centre.

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