Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services
Volunteer Agreement
Purpose of the Volunteer Program
Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services (Access Alliance) recognizes that volunteers form an integral part of the agency and enhance program activities, service delivery, agency related community engagement and community development activities and initiatives. Access Alliance recognizes that the significant contributions of volunteers, directly or indirectly benefit all clients, participants and the community.
Definition of Volunteering
A Volunteer is anyone who without compensation or expectation of compensation contributes time and service to further the Vision of Access Alliance. The individual must be registered as a volunteer prior to undertaking their volunteer role.
This Agreement highlights volunteer policies pertaining to the Volunteer Code of Conduct, Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities. Volunteers are required to attend a mandatory orientation and relevant training and are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the detailed volunteer policies, protocols and procedures which are included in the Volunteer Handbook.
Code of Conduct
- Confidentiality
Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves staff, volunteers, program participants or overall agency business. Confidentiality is part of what makes us professional in the care and support we provide and what is expected of us as professionals. Our commitment to confidentiality continues even after you no longer volunteer with Access Alliance.
All volunteer information is kept in a secured area. General information about the volunteer including name, phone number, skills, education, experience and outcome of reference checks can be shared with management and the staff support person to assist in determining the volunteer’s suitability for the volunteer position.
- Workplace violence and harassment
Access Alliance does not tolerate violence, harassment, discrimination, or any other form of unacceptable behaviour in the workplace perpetrated by or against staff, clients, volunteers, students and visitors. Volunteers should inform their direct supervisor of any violence, harassment or potential risk they may experience or witness.
- Anti-Oppression
Access Alliance recognizes that oppressions based on race, ethnicity, creed, class, gender, sexual orientation, gender orientation, immigration status, country of origin, religion, mental health status, age,
and ability are systemic in Canadian society. We recognize the impact and inter-connectedness of these multiple oppressions. Volunteers contribute to Access Alliance’s anti-oppressive commitment by being proactive in anti-oppression training, advocating for change, and supporting community social action.
- Conflict of Interest & Gifts, Donations and Honorariums
Conflicts of interest arise when a person has multiple, competing interests, there is a possibility that independent decision-making can be impaired. Conflict of interest can arise through various relationships including, but not limited to, family relationships, economic relationships, and personal or intimate relationships. Volunteers shall not operate or act in any manner that is contrary to the best interests of the organization. For that, volunteers will disclose to their direct supervisor any interest that could be perceived as being in real, potential or apparent conflict with Access Alliance duties or with the business and affairs of Access Alliance.
In addition, volunteers/staff must discourage gifts from clients, patients, community members to the extent possible. Anything under the value of $10 can be accepted but discouraged in the future. All gifts, honorariums, stipends, and other forms of acknowledgment or compensation received by volunteers must be reported to the supervisor. All cash, cheques or other forms of compensation received as a direct or indirect result of performing Access Alliance duties must be submitted directly to the finance office.
Volunteer Rights
Access Alliance volunteers have the rights:
- To work in an environment free from oppression and discrimination
- To be treated equally and respected as valued members of the Access Alliance service teams
- To be given clear direction and guidance about duties, responsibilities, and timelines
- To receive adequate training and support to fulfill expectations related to duties or
responsibilities, and have access to feedback and evaluation after their tasks are completed
- To receive encouragement and be recognized and appreciated for their effort and achievement ● To refuse unsafe work under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and other laws
- To open communication that addresses differences in opinions through positive dialogue
- To have suggestions listened to and taken into consideration
- To lodge a complaint through the agency’s standard complaint processes, and access external complaint mechanisms/ombudsmen if not resolved satisfactorily internally
- To have your personal information kept private and have access to the privacy officer if you experience a breach of security
- To a reference letter or phone call for assigned duties or actions completed
- To have equal access to a variety of experiences relevant to the volunteer’s skills and interests
Volunteer Responsibilities
Access Alliance volunteers take the responsibilities:
- To act in accordance with the agency’s Mission, Vision, Values and our anti-oppression framework
- To complete all relevant onboarding paperwork as required by the volunteer program
- To attend an orientation and all relevant training, especially the Occupational Health and Safety training
- To comply with all workplace health and safety instructions
- To follow through on the assigned tasks and strive to do them well
- To be on time and inform the supervisor when unable to attend duty or training
- To sign in and record hours when attending to a task whether in person or remotely
- To help create a safe, friendly, inclusive and welcoming environment for all participants
- To provide equal treatment to Access Alliance’s diverse constituents with respect to the use and
benefit of services, programs and facilities in a manner that respects their dignity
- To report incidents, exposures, injuries, and near misses as well as concerns about safety or abuse as soon as possible
- To maintain network security and content integrity by following the organization’s IT protocol and policies
- To respect the boundaries/limits of volunteer work
Organization Policy and Procedures
Access Alliance has various policies in place promoting a safe environment for its members. I agree to abide by all Access Alliance policies, guidelines, and procedures.
I understand that my obligations, commitments and understandings set forth in this agreement are important to ensure the integrity of the organization. Volunteers who do not adhere to Access Alliance policies or procedures will be dismissed.
I understand the Access Alliance volunteer policies and protocols as summarized henceforth and agree to conduct my activities in accordance with the content outlined in this agreement.