About Us
Our Vision
Toronto’s diverse communities achieve health with dignity.
Our Mission
Access Alliance provides services and advocates to improve health outcomes for immigrants, refugees, and their communities, which have been made vulnerable by systemic barriers and poverty.
Our Values
- Client Centered: Our clients are our most important partners and have the right to self-determination in their health and well-being.
- Collaboration: Our partnerships leverage collective action and voice to increase knowledge, capacity, respond to gaps in service delivery, and optimize resources.
- Equity, Access and Inclusion: We are committed to challenging systemic discrimination by providing inclusive and accessible services and by engaging in health equity advocacy.
- Innovation and Excellence: We strive to be a leader in service excellence by investing in a culture of continuous learning and by seeking consistent feedback from clients and partners to improve program design and delivery.
- Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and strive to be transparent about how decisions are made, and how resources are allocated.
What We Do
Access Alliance provides accessible, community-governed, inter-professional primary health care services, including health promotion, illness prevention and treatment, chronic disease management, and individual and community capacity building. Our goal is for all people who face barriers to good health to have access to high quality primary health care within an integrated system of care. To achieve this we:
- Have a solid and strong commitment to the determinants of health. We employ a broad range of strategies and provide services using an integrated and interdisciplinary approach, while remaining responsive to changing community needs;
- Focus on the most disadvantaged immigrants and refugees. There are many needs and issues and we want to make sure we work with those communities that face the most severe barriers;
- Are committed to evidence-informed practice. We want to have a good solid basis for our priorities, be able to identify expected outcomes and evaluate them in such a way that it contributes to ongoing learning and improvement;
- Acknowledge that strategic partnerships are critical for our success. We are collaborative and committed to building capacity, to putting our resources out in the community, and to having shared leadership in the sector on numerous issues.
Model of Care
The Community Health Centre model of care focuses on five service areas:
- Primary care
- Illness prevention
- Health promotion
- Community capacity building
- Service integration
To find out more, please see our Community Health Centre model of care (PDF 56 KB).
Our Anti-Oppression Policy
Access Alliance acknowledges that oppression based on race, ethnicity, creed, class, gender, sexual orientation, gender orientation, immigration status, country of origin, religion, mental health status, age and ability are systemic in Canadian society. We are committed to actively working against all forms of oppression. To find out more, please see our Anti-Oppression Policy (PDF 256) and our Statement on Anti-Black Oppression and Anti-Oppression (PDF 360KB).
If you have had a negative experience with any of the programs or services at Access Alliance and would like to make a complaint, please let us know.
Access Alliance is a registered charitable organization and a United Way member agency.